Het Touwhuis in Rotterdam, sinds 1933 in touw.

Ga terug TENDON Master PRO 8.9

Brand new rope certificated as single, twin and half rope. New version of simple braid system (SBS) and complete shield impregnation guarantees good resistance and great lifespan. The low weight, only 52 g/m, and low rope drag makes it excellent on-sight rope for hard climbing projects where every small detail matters.

Vraag informatie aan over dit product:

TENDON Master PRO 8.9


Artikelnummer#PrijsLength (m)Colour
D089TM41C050C0 € 281,3350black/pink
D089TM42C050C0 € 281,3350black/turquoise
D089TM41C060C0 € 337,5960black/pink
D089TM42C060C0 € 337,5960black/turquoise