Het Touwhuis in Rotterdam, sinds 1933 in touw.

Ga terug TENDON Static Pro 11 NFPA

MBS* (kN) 40.5

The excellent ropes with low elongation and high static strength are intended primarily for work at hight and for securing people above vertical drops. Recommended use are rescue operations, work positioning and military and police use. Occasional use for NFPA certificated ropes meet the life safety rope requirements of NFPA 1983 Standard on fire service life safety rope and equipement for emergency services, 2017 edition.

Sewn termination is available and other lengths on request.

Parameters according to EN 1891.

Vraag informatie aan over dit product:

TENDON Static Pro 11 NFPA


Artikelnummer#PrijsRope diameter (mm)ColourLengths (m)Weight (g/m)Number of (UIAA) falls (min)CE 1019Strength (kN)EN1891NFPA 1983 2012
L110NS44S200R1 € 696,9611black2008320yes42Ayes
L110NS43S200R2 € 696,9611blue2008320yes42Ayes
L110NS42S200R3 € 696,9611red2008320yes42Ayes
L110NS41S200R4 € 696,9611white2008320yes42Ayes