Het Touwhuis in Rotterdam, sinds 1933 in touw.

Ga terug TENDON DynaProt 10 clasic

DynaProt 10, the dynamic sling, is made of a dynamic rope and is therefore capable of absorbing the energy of a dynamic fall and to dampen this fall thanks to its elon-gation. DynaProt 10 has been tested with fall factors 1 and 2. It is able to arrest nine falls with a fall factor of 2. Even with a fall factor of 2, the impact force is lower than the maximum force permitted by EN 892.

DynaProt 10 classic:

length 45 cm – DP100C045
length 60 cm – DP100C060
length 75 cm – DP100C075

Fall factor 1:

static tenacity (kN) ... 22

impact force (kN) ... 7,4

number of falls ... min. 20

Fall factor 2:

static tenacit (kN) ... 22

impact force (kN) ... 10,7

number of falls ... 9

Vraag informatie aan over dit product:

TENDON DynaProt 10 clasic
Artikelnummer#PrijsLength (cm)
DP100C0450 € 27,2645
DP100C0600 € 28,3960
DP100C0750 € 29,2675